How Brexit Will Affect International Tourism

Britain is close to the Brexit which is likely to be a no-deal ending. It has become a great concern for the people of the region, especially the people concerned about business, jobs and holidays. This is the main concern of the Brits planning to travel around the EU. They have questions about the travel conditions, things they will need while traveling, what would be the limitations, etc.

Recently I was on a holiday in Morocco, where I met with a lot of British travelers concerned about traveling after the Brexit. Some of them were optimistic and thinking that all will be settled down soon after the Brexit. The others were finding ways to help each other with the situation. Here are things which will be affected by the Brexit:

how will Brexit affect travel to UK

Brexit for some people is for the good of the United Kingdom, while for some it will lead the country towards bad situations. Our concern here is to know how Brexit will affect the things already running.

1. Air, Train Prices Will Go Up

This has a reason. Although the air and train traffic will remain functional even after the Brexit, the fairs will be raised by the time. If you are traveling via air or train, you will be charged slightly higher because currency literally matters. I reserved a package with the travel company through which I have traveled and am literally concerned about when the traveling fares will rise.

Traveling will become more difficult this way. With time, maybe it will adjust but just after the Brexit, it will definitely affect the travelers.

2. Concern About Nationality Question

You should be because it is a valid question. If you are from the European Union region and living freely in London, you will need a passport. People from other nationalities will have no effect because they must already have the resident permit of the UK. But the Europeans will need to solve the question of dual nationalities.

If they want to live in London, or anywhere in the UK, they will inform the embassy and will start with the new documentation from Zero. The same case is for the citizens of the UK. If they are living anywhere in Europe will be needed to contact the embassy and start the process of documentation. For travelers, there would not be such restrictions but they will also need some more documents to contact the Home Ministry or Embassy.

3. Blue Passports Coming Back

Once there were the blue colored passports for the citizens of the UK to travel across the world, but after that, when London decided to be part of the EU, passports turned to maroon. Now you will see the change in the color of the passports as your new passport cover will be of blue color.

4. European Union Medical Insurance Card

If you are British and traveling to any of the countries under European Union, you will need to recheck if you are okay with your EU medical insurance card? Because there is a policy that your EU medical card will not be valid after the Brexit. You will have to solve this issue to contact your travel company before leaving for the holidays.

As you will have to take the other card, it will cost you. Better is that you book the travel package which is inclusive of all insurances and services. It will benefit you and your company will be liable to provide you every facility and avoid any difficulties and hurdles. You should take care of yourself and family and confirm your medical and travel insurances in advance.

5. Travelers British Driving Licenses Will Not Remain Valid

If you were relying on the UK's driving license in the states of European union, you were lucky. But now you will have to get the international driving license to drive in the EU states. For this, you will have to pass through a process and have to contact the relevant department regarding driving. Take care of the right things done in documentation. You will need the right document in the right place.

6. Pets Will Need Extra Documents to Move With You

If you are getting somewhere and want to accompany your pets, this is what you normally do. But this time, after Brexit, situation will not be the same. You have to take the permission, for which you have to be in contact with the vet at least some 3 to 4 months before to tell him your goals. The vet will guide you the right way.

Brexit is likely to be coming on the end date of this month but the travelers are scared, confused about many things they are concerned with. The fares hike should be taken into account and should be resolved. People are confused about the new developments and the documents required for traveling. The governments should ease the confusion as early as possible.
Kalyan Panja